Super Dangerous Dungeons

Developer: Adventure Islands
Publisher: Adventure Islands
Release: 2015
Platform: PC, iOS, Android (played), browser
Genre: Platformer

In an endless sea of retro-informed platformers, Super Dangerous Dungeons sets off to a good start by looking the part: the modern palette helps the crispy pixel art in both clearly communicating environmental hazards and making characters' sprites shine.

But there are many ways to be retro, and some more complicated than others; for instance, easing pipelines of the level design burden can even produce a valuable feature per se in the form of some "infinitely replayable" face value—even when the rules behind procedural generation only output a boring level after the other.

Fortunately Super Dangerous Dungeons took the long way—and succeeded resoundingly in that front. While the gameplay mechanics are as simple as a platformer can get, it's a masterclass in level design in every aspect: the learning curve is perfect, the very levels serve as fluid tutorials, and by the end of the road the player will have mastered even specific speedrun techniques without even noticing it.

Talking about speedruns, the same levels show their true handicraft nature when the player realize there are "ideal" ways to play them to maximize the traversal efficiency—while, of course, raising the risk/reward stakes and almost turning the game into a whole new beast.

Bosses aren't actual battles, but put a bit of a twist in the gameplay—with a lot of style too.

Not that the adventure is without its downsides. Rewarding exploration with hidden items would be a plus if those weren't used to artificially raise the short gameplay length by being mandatory for entering the final room; hit detection can also be finicky at times—particularly noticeable when boulders are integral part of a couple level's design. But perfect or not, Super Dangerous Dungeons is a commendable—even formative—platforming experience, especially for gamers not contemporary to retro games before they started being called that way.